Somen requested me to post 15 best photographs from the ones we have taken during our trip to 'rarh' Bengal in flickr/kodak/picassa. It is a difficult choice.Besides, I am slow about editing and often I work with writing blogs as a target.
Anyway, as I am progressing with listing and PSing the photos, I have picked up a few from our albums for sharing the same with my friends and relatives.I start with with a mosque , which I thought is the best among the Muslim terra cotta architecture we saw.
Lottan Masjid. 1475 AD ( 500+ years old !!).Built @ the behest of a courtesan . Attributed to sultan Yusuf Shah. Slope of the roof, domes, an extension on the far end and terra cotta motifs impressed us ( photo by RC).
Among the terra cotta work among the Muslim terra cotta architecture , I have selected two as the most representative ones :

Pillars and arch in a monument under restoration @ Gaur. ASI did not fix any notice here and the time of construction,therefore, is unknown to us. Try to visualise the grand view when , centuries ago,the coloured tiles were intact.
Terra cotta decoration on the western wall @ Adina Masjid built by sultan Sikandar Shah between 1364-74 AD,
supposedly the largest in Asia !
Simply majestic !
The history of construction of this huge Masjid stares at your eyes as you come across scores of Hindu deities abounding the structure !
Terra cotta and other temples of Baronagar were overwhelming . Those at Sribati can be called cute. I must add that villagers of Sribati were very bitter about indifference of Govt regd. support to the maintenance efforts . They do not get even 1 rupee for removal growth after every monsoon. These temples have panels with lots of stories to tell . Let us try to contribute to the preservation of thises temples .
LH - Krsna kills Kansaraj as Balam looks on. RH - Krsna kills mahut of Kubalayapeerh while Balaram tackles the elephant which is finally killed by Krsna . Baronagar . 1755 AD.
( Photo by RC )
Ravan had a special place in the heart of the person/s who decided on depiction of Ramayana scenes in Charbangla and Gangeswar temples. Those who are interested in more on this aspect may pl open : . View this Ravan, placed separately, armed and dressed regally.

Who are these characters ?
( Photo by RC )
Ravan had a special place in the heart of the person/s who decided on depiction of Ramayana scenes in Charbangla and Gangeswar temples. Those who are interested in more on this aspect may pl open :
Finally, 2 panels from Sribati. Sribat has a cluster of 3 temples. One of them is an octagonal temple, quite like
the one at Ilambazar.This temple has many interesting social scenes.

the one at Ilambazar.This temple has many interesting social scenes.
This panel, centrally placed above one of the arches of the octagonal panel, has no figure from mythology !